Since 1993
Just Breathe.
The more we connect with our breath, the more connected we become– to ourselves, to our family and friends, to the world around us and the spirit within.
Just Move.
The more we move, the better we feel. Whatever your age or current physical condition, moving through a gentle asana practice can significantly improve your sense of health and well-being.
Yoga for Every Body
When breath and movement flow freely, your body gets stronger, your mind expands and your spirit lifts. I invite you to explore with me what “Yoga for Every Body” can do for you.

My Schedule
I teach Hatha and Vinyasa yoga at the Rye YMCA and at the Wainwright House. I also teach weekly Yin classes at Radiate Yoga in Pelham and at Tovami Yoga in Mamaroneck. View exact details by clicking below.
My Home Studio
Join me for private lessons in my home studio where I can accommodate a 1- or 2-person lesson. We can focus on specific issues and alignment techniques that can help you practice safely and joyfully in any setting.
My students are truly my best teachers. I learn from them everyday. It is with the utmost gratitude that I share these kind words they have written about my classes.
Ready to OM?
Click on schedule above for weekly classes or contact me for a private lesson.